What a year! Can you believe how quickly 365 days pass by? It sounds like a lot on January 1st and then before you know it you're looking fall in the face. Today marks the beginning of our fall activities. Rob is back to school teaching, soon we will be starting Awana and other fall ministries, and this fall I am starting JoeAnna in a homeschool preschool curriculum. With so much good stuff going, I am finding my peace and perspective every morning with the Lord. I'm so charged up to still be reading through the Bible in a year (this is the first time for me)! God has been so real and faithful to me this year, and my relationship with Him grows deeper everyday.
And I am pleased to report that I have finished another book! Seeing that I am still desperately behind, I am not gloating in my accomplishment rather hoping to jump start myself into more completions! I have many more books in my "need to finish" list than I have even listed to the right... Actually I hope to finish one of them right now - so I best sign off!
She's doing an awesome job. I'm proud to be her husband.