Monday, August 29, 2011

This Post is Just for Me...

...I hope you like it too.
Here are my liked links of the week:
Alphabet Parade
Kindergarten Worksheets
Ballerina preschool pack
were going on bear hunt printables
household management forms
Preparing ahead for Advent 2011

And definitely end with this one...
A holy experience.

May God bless your week as you rise up, as you sit down, and as you go into the world. Be doers and not hearers only; teaching them diligently.
{love grows here}

My husband calls me a hippie...

I really enjoy being creative, but even more than that I enjoy researching. Lately in my research, I have found some creative ways to make my own hair care and skin care items.
Check it out!
I've been doing the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) for my face for a little over 2 weeks, and not shampooing for a little over 1 week - so far I'm loving it and even got the compliment yesterday your hair looks fuller from Rob. {Big smile}