Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How to teach Aa Bb Cc's to the Hands-On learner

Here is a fun way to play with letters! Write the capitol and lowercase of each letter on a ping-pong ball and then play! The games are endless: matching, hide-and-seek, bounce a letter into a basket, etc.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

After 3 months of Research

I've decided to do this homeschool curriculum.

Oh. And. It's. Free.



This is not my Official Recap

I haven't posted in a while and whenever I take a break {planned or not} from posting, it always takes me a running start to get back into the momentum. Mental movement. Thoughts made words.

I take myself too seriously. And I really hold myself to what I write here. Even if I'm the only one that reads it.

Discipline is almost always accomplished my accountability and self control.

Well, there are many topics on which I will be bringing to a close for 2011: 100-Day Challenge, family changes, goals completed/continued, books read and reading. But first I'd like to share a fun link:

I've been going between the printables by this site and 1+1+1=1

I hope to post some pictures soon of the kids utilizing these awesome tools. {I'm looking to upgrade my phone, and want one that will take quality photos in order to blog-by-phone: Any suggestions?}