Finally, here it is. The plan, curriculum, the setting.
Starting out this fall we are going to be going through both Mommy Teach Me! and Mommy Teach Me to Read! by Barbara Curtis. Curtis was trained in a Montessori Institute and has been teaching children (and now moms too) for decades. These resources are filled with exciting exercises to do with children along with chapters that are just for mom. Very helpful insights are from a biblical perspective and years of experience. Check out Curtis' blog and her Online Resource Companion for both books.
Mommy Teach Me! focuses on 5 Potentials for Joyful Lifelong Learning: Independence, Order, Self Control, Concentration, and Service (B. Curtis pg. 60). Curtis includes a whole chapter (about 40 pages) of exercises to hone these skills (things that both my 16 month old and 36 month old can do). Then Curtis goes on to detail how to train a child in using manipulatives (lacing beads, sewing cards, etc), imaginative play, beginning math, science, geography, fine arts, spiritual life, and beyond! (These listed are also chapters 5-12 in the book.)
Mommy, Teach Me to Read! has something for every stage of development, from birth to seven years. I'm excited to get started reading through and using this resource. Reading is so vital to further learning that I feel the humbling weight of responsibility to teach this to my kids. I know that by loving to read they will more naturally love to learn. I can't wait to share more of this experience with you.
I am also using just the Parent's Companion for Sonlight's Core P3/4 Fiction, Fairy Tales, and Fun for Little Learners. Here I have chosen to be frugal and I am gathering the curriculum the long way. I chose not to order their package of all the books but to go to the library and to garage sales to gather the books on my own. I agree with Sonlight's Philosophy:
At Sonlight, we believe that homeschooling is a way of life and an overarching attitude toward the world. The world is out there to be marveled at, enjoyed, explored, and learned from. Once you catch on to this idea, you will find it easy to see educational value in almost everything you do.Bible Study will be daily, intentional, and rooted in Deut 6:5-7 as mentioned above, we will use the Praise Baby DVDs, the Jesus Storybook Bible, The Big Picture Story Bible, Seeds Family Worship (major love for these CDs and resources - and a big thank you to Liz Kamper for the suggestion), and review sessions of things learned in Puggles (the take home cards are truly amazing - visually, biblically, and relationally) and other church take-homes. Everything else we study finds its inspiration from this discipline.
I have also purchased other books, materials, and full curriculums to use in the future. But since we aren't ready to use them quiet yet, I'll just list them here and you can look forward to hearing more about them as we dive into them.
As I wake everyday and commit myself anew to God who's mercies are new for me, I remember that being my children's teacher is a discipline just like prayer. It can be for others, but it first changes me. I must be what I've committed to be L3: Loving, Leading, and Learning. I must be their example of patience before demanding that they be patient. Please keep our family in your prayers and may our One Spirit bind our hearts together in the bond of peace!
(Please leave your comments. I covet your suggestions, advise, everything! I am writing here to build community and accountability. Thanks for reading!)
Also I forgot to say that we also have many small workbooks from various places to practice tracing letters & numbers, learn phonics, and reading. Also I have a large space journal for JoeAnna to sketch and write in for our nature, science, and weather learning. We are so busy!